Am I back again?
Age 32, Male
Office Slave
Vienna, Austria
Joined on 1/4/07
Posted by Pienkaito - December 7th, 2011
[Visit my homepage for my animations and more]
Yeah, Engrish FTW.
Anyway, you may notice that I'm making less animation than normally (or in 2009).
Well, due to certain circumstances, I don't have a PC that's powerful enough to run Adobe products.
...Or anything for that matter.
I'm really in a bad situation when it comes to "spriting" or anything remotely fun with PCs.
Let's just wait for 2012, then I might have enough money.
Posted by Pienkaito - November 1st, 2011
Watch this year's halloween special.
It might kill ya though.
Happy Halloween~!
Posted by Pienkaito - June 22nd, 2011
...for 2 months.
Why you ask? Well, I made a flash animation, explaining why.
[Small Info]
Capcom is dead to me.
[Another Info]
Phoenix Wright, Strider Hiryu, Frank West, Vergil, Rocket Raccoon, Hawkeye, Ghost Rider and many more are in the upcoming "Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3"
...Still no Mega Man.
Sorry to spoil you guys. =P
Posted by Pienkaito - May 27th, 2011
Look what I've made for Parallel Memories: Episode 1!
Click here for original picture!
Special thanks to Claudia-Sierra.
Posted by Pienkaito - April 27th, 2011
^ This is now a must ^ lol
Errr... seems like the Spritas website is dead in the meantime.
They will come back, right?
I haven't been active in Newgrounds much lately, but I can assure you, that I'm not "dead" yet.
Heck, I'm posting regularly on my own homepage, so yeah.
Just because I'm not posting here for months, doesn't that mean I'm dead.
Okay, now that's done.
I've been pretty busy lately. I'm still sticking to my "3-flash-anis-per-month" plan and...that's what I'll do.
You can look forward to the "the_collab_with_a_long_ass_name_that_
noone_can_remember" collab.
In short, characters from King of Fighters, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Super Smash Brothers (N64) are coming together and punching their brains away.
Oh, look a screenshot.