Am I back again?
Age 32, Male
Office Slave
Vienna, Austria
Joined on 1/4/07
Youve made my dreams come true...
*Clicks link*
I forgot to add in my review that I really liked the Sonic's Quest for Power elements that you added in there. THAT was a nice touch. :3
do you agree with this idea?
i would love to see an rpg zelda that lets us play as human,elf,orc,lizard man or a fury cat! yes there are cut-scenes,leveling up system,giving him any cloths,armor,robes,accessoriesÂ-(like a gun but itS just for making him looks cooler NOT FOR USE!),the random encounters just like pokemon(but less encounters)!and no!this is not an open world like skyrim or oblivion this is similar to zelda open world and random encounters in dungeon are similar to MP3
yes to voice acting.NOT for our HERO
contineus999hungry 1 second ago
Oi, Pkmn! Didja hear what happened to Alvin-Earthworm?!
As an animator, I think it's too bad, that he "left". But I hate him for leaving the series open in the worst way ever.
I know! I just hope he regains his inspiration someday. It would be awesome if he did.
I hope that you can keep working on part 2, please don't be like Alvin
Stopping midway?
I hope, I won't let you and everyone else down.
Oi, Pkmn2! How's dat ep 1-2 goin? Lol; jk.
I have to finish school first and I'm working on "Lol Runner" right now.
Lol Runner? You've caught my interest.....AMV or Flash fight? Which of em is it?
Random crap.
Stopping Mid-way, oh I think you're still on the first scene?
I am.
Good title! :P
oh My bad, sorry
No problem.
hey pkmn i just found a cool sprite for a yoshi character <a href="">
/#/d4g52f0</a> hope you like it!
oh and i didnt like how that bird or pokeman thing came and attacked marichu you should have let the camera see his legs running on the green field for 6 seconds then goes in the trash city 3 seconds later he jumps or a shadow hidden under something then jumps out and attack.
Hey, that's some cool looking sprites right there.
You're welcawm. :3
Well its really sad,I didn't realize why did Alvin left SMBZ?I know its hard being an animater right?
Ok so this is getting good hey so will the other Sprite that were made are gonna have voices?Even
The black one with the blue bandana?Well he will be missed Alvin was a good animater......Well its seem that SMBZ is no more.Lets hope hes returns.The first time I saw his Episode on 2007.Its was a great thing to happen.But last episode no more goodness........Hey do you think he will come back?
The black one with the blue bandana (also known as Mr. Mono) will have no voice.
As for Alvin-Earthworm, no idea. I don't know him personally, so I don't really understand his reason on his "retirement".
Hey is it possible that some of us can put our FCs in the series or no.Because Arnas does it.
Well I did the introduction for a my series.Unforuantly,I can only do Comic not animate.
Because I'm working on my sprite.Well one of the sprites is my brothers.I do voices that mean it.....well I don't do my voice anymore so.....maybe your voice should use a bit more meaning into it.
Just to make it better like the robot no offense.You do you say yes or no?Oh and the bird was freaking my brother with the swords and the Blaster.Can I be in the Fc?
Well think about.My Fc?Jaden Sapphire?
P.S If you think it.Just try put it in your Episodes.Please just this once.
Hmmm... maybe as cameo someday, but I haven't really started the series yet.
So for the meantime, no other fan-characters yet after I've introduced all key characters.
Now that I think about it, this might be the only (current) sprite series up right now. Do you know how long you're plannin to keep the series goin?
No idea.
Nah. I think, there are other sprite series out there. Only put on hold. me.
Well you didn't introduce the villains.You got a point there Pkmn.I know you introduce the names of the heros but the hedgehog after the end.Even I know some authors don't put FCs in there and also
The series was so long.Why don't you get some more help from other authors?I know you slacked off a bit and get stressed by animating.
Well my friend MasterSonic was making a Fc battle full of many Fcs.
Even Arnas is still working on his series.I mean you know he makes so many Fcs and start to get tired.And I think somebodys gonna do the SMBZ.So why not team with them up to make the series.
Looking good, so far. Keep it up. Can't wait how the next episode turns out.